Hi. Last week was pretty tiring/crazy/busy, and honestly it wasn't until 2am on Monday that I even realized... I'd completely forgotten to post here. This week is similar so far, even though it's only Tuesday.
For instance? We had the carpet cleaning service here today before 10:30am.
So now, I pretty much just want to be sleeping.
I know some days/weeks will be like this, and I'm grateful for the timeliness of the sermon at church on Sunday (regarding storms in life) -- it was definitely helpful and encouraging.
Time to go wrangle my three blondies, now. Maybe they'll even take naps, today.
How do you respond to life's storms? Especially when they seem to be brought on by your children? What do you do to stay strong, positive, and hopeful? I'd love to hear from you!
Sarah, we cling to the cross. We pray that the Holy Spirit will be at work in their consciences, and we love them as Christ has loved us....knowing that some would come tenderly to Him, and some taking longer. I'm with you in this, and i"ll be praying. I have a 14 year old daughter and an almost 12 year-old son. You can pray for us too, please. I'd love that.